Bee Removal in Liberty Station
We Save the Bees with our Bee Removal Service in Liberty Station
Saving the world one beehive at a time, that’s what we do! No beehive removal is too daunting, too big, too small, too high, or too difficult for bee removal!
Top 5 things you NEED to know before your bee removal | truths bee professionals might not tell you
As a company we have performed over 10,000 bee removals, all 100% by hand, no vacuums, no chemicals, and we have yet to come across a beehive we could not save. What that means to you is we have a pretty good idea of what we’re doing. We want to impart our experience by not just removing the hive but making sure we can take measures to minimize the chance you have a recurrence.
What we do is very simplistic in concept. We will rescue bees from your house or place of business and find a backyard beekeeper or farmer to adopt them! That’s it!

This is one that our owner Bee Man Dan, also dubbed Dan the Bee Man, took care of personally. The owners watched the bees move into their roof and we succesfully removed them.

Here’s a bee colony that decided to set up shop in this irrigation box over in Liberty Station. It’s actually an extremely popular spot for bees to occupy.
If bees wandered into your yard and you wondered, “Who can handle a bee removal near me?” We got you!
Not only do we humanely save bees in Liberty Station, but we cover all of San Diego County, Orange County and Riverside County. Here are some bees that were saved in your neighborhood.
If bees moved in with you, call us, we can help humanely relocate them for you!
We Comply with California Policies for Bee Removal.
Here’s a more comprehensive reason to “Save the Bees”
Beeman Dan has personally done over 4,000 live bee removals.
Fill out our Bee Removal Estimate Form