Pasteurizing Honey

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In health and hygiene terms, there is no reason why honey should be pasteurized.  Its high sugar content protects against the growth of bacteria, and spores of Clostridium Botulinum, the bacteria that can spell danger for babies, are not destroyed by heat.  Pasteurization is carried out largely to satisfy the requirements of industry, since the honey is then less likely to granulate or ferment even if storage conditions are less than perfect.  Supermarkets require packagers to product a clear product.  To achieve this, the honey is heated, then put through a rigorous filtration process.  Heating dissolves the ‘seed crystals’ in the honey so it is less likely to granulate. (Fleetwood 2009, p.24)

We always recommend that you eat raw virgin honey that has never been heated and lightly filtered.  We believe that when you pasteurize the honey you kill all the good stuff.  Keep it raw and natural and it will reward your taste buds and your body.

We save bees specializes in saving bees and educating people about bees.  We Save Bees can solve your bee problems.  100% live bee removal done by hand, no vacuums, no chemicals, and no gimmicks.  The bees are safely removed, donated to local bee keepers, and go to farms for pollination.  We have the highest success rate in the country, we have the lowest call back rate, and we charge less.  For a free estimate please give us a call or Contact US through our website.  We would love to help save your bees and do it for less.   Save the bees, Save the world, Do your part, We Can Help, WESAVEBEES.

Here are questions YOU MUST ask your potential bee company See Examples of what we do Here And a list of our services Here

Dan Luong
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