What is Propolis and Why is it Important?

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You may be wondering what propolis is and why we would be talking about it.  Well, it is a cornerstone is a healthy honeybee hive.  When we remove a bee hive we can tell alot of things about the hive and relay the information to the bee keepers so they can work with it correctly.  How a queen lays her eggs, the shape of the hive, if queen cells were present, what percentage of male to female larva was there and how much propolis we found.  Propolis is a material the bees gather that is found on some flowers.  It is anti-bacterial, anti-microbial and anti-fungal.  The bees use propolis for many different things.  It is used to the gaps around the hive, keeping unwanted bugs and other potential harm out.  It is used to cover dead rodents or other harmful materials keeping disease out of the hive.  After a bee is born, they turn around and clean their cell and then other bees follow behind to fill the cell with a thin layer of propolis.  If the new bee was sick, the propolis protects the next egg from the disease.    It is a very sticky material when it is warm and has almost a gum like texture to it.  When a hive has a lot of propolis it is a good sign.  The bees tend to be very healthy.  They are strong, organized and good to work with.

We take pride in knowing what to look for when working with a wild hive.  Each piece of information we can provide to the bee keeper helps to keep our success rate up as high as it is.  If you have an unwanted hive please let us help you save them and relocate them.  We are more then happy to share with you the information we find about your hive.  Each hive saved is one step closer to solving our bee shortage problems.

Here is some OLD honeycomb with alot of Propolis!

We save bees specializes in saving bees and educating people about bees.  We Save Bees can solve your bee problems.  100% live bee removal done by hand, no vacuums, no chemicals, and no gimmicks.  The bees are safely removed, donated to local bee keepers, and go to farms for pollination.  We have the highest success rate in the country, we have the lowest call back rate, and we charge less.  For a free estimate please give us a call or Contact US through our website.  We would love to help save your bees and do it for less.   Save the bees, Save the world, Do your part, We Can Help, WESAVEBEES.

Here are questions YOU MUST ask your potential bee company See Examples of what we do Here And a list of our services Here

Flottum. K. (2010). The backyard beekeeper. Quarry Books. Beverly, MA.

Dan Luong
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